Engineering Mechanics B

Picture of the structure of a bridge Picture of the structure of a bridge Picture of the structure of a bridge

Supporting structures are exposed to static and dynamic loads. A core competence of the engineer is to estimate and evaluate the mechanical behaviour of a structure with regard to the impact. In this advanced module of basic mechanics the deformation of elastic bodies is introduced. With the help of deformation kinematics, statically indeterminate load-bearing structures can now also be investigated. In addition, the stability of systems is also addressed. In a second part an introduction to the dynamics of solid bodies is given, with a focus on vibration problems. An introduction to the investigation of mechanical systems with the methods of analytical mechanics completes this course. 

Acquisition of competencies

This module provides an advanced introduction to engineering mechanics:

  • Deformation of linear elastic bodies under mechanical loads, mathematical description of the deformation, linear elastic material law
  • Exemplary application regarding elementary loading conditions (tension-compression / bending / torsion) on rod-like components
  • Combined loading of rod-like components and evaluation of multi-axial loading conditions
  • Stability failure of elastic systems; kinematics of the mass point and the solid body
  • Kinetics (center of gravity theorem, momentum theorem, momentum and angular momentum theorem); motion resistances
  • Free and forced oscillations of systems with one degree of freedom
  • Introduction to the energy methods of mechanics (working theorem in statics, elastostatics and dynamics, principles of virtual displacements and virtual forces, principle of D'Alembert) 

Form of teaching

In the summer semester the module Engineering Mechanics B takes place regularly with lectures, exercises, workshops and tutorials in German language.

For this purpose extensive teaching materials are made available in German on an ILIAS online platform.

Arc structure and infinitesimal element of arc structure under vertical load Arc structure and infinitesimal element of arc structure under vertical load Arc structure and infinitesimal element of arc structure under vertical load
Arc structure and infinitesimal element of arc structure under vertical load

Contact person

Photo of Roozbeh Hosseinnezhad Photo of Roozbeh Hosseinnezhad
Roozbeh Hosseinnezhad, M. Sc.
Research Staff
Appelstraße 11/11a
30167 Hannover
Photo of Roozbeh Hosseinnezhad Photo of Roozbeh Hosseinnezhad
Roozbeh Hosseinnezhad, M. Sc.
Research Staff
Appelstraße 11/11a
30167 Hannover