Welcome to the pages of the Institute of Mechanics and Computational Mechanics (IBNM). The IBNM team is engaged in academic training within the Bachelor and Master programmes in civil engineering studies, and in doctoral education.

Our research activities focus on the physical and mathematical modelling, and the development of related robust and efficient computational algorithms for processes in continuum mechanics.

Relevance of mechanics for sustainability

We develop numerical simulation methods for the analysis and optimisation of processes in nature and technology. These methods are applied in various fields and thus contribute to the development of sustainable products and processes. Some examples are:

  • Material Fatigue
    Polariskop- und Betonmodell zur Überprüfung des Spannungszustandes einer Wandscheibe Polariskop- und Betonmodell zur Überprüfung des Spannungszustandes einer Wandscheibe Polariskop- und Betonmodell zur Überprüfung des Spannungszustandes einer Wandscheibe © IBNM 2022

    It is well known that civil engineering structures are subject to material fatigue due to multiphysical external effects. With very detailed physical models and suitable model reduction methods, we develop simulation procedures with which the material fatigue can be predicted already in the design phase. These simulations can also accompany the life cycle of the structures and support maintenance and repair measures. In this way, they can help to reduce the enormous and energy-intensive use of materials for a new building.

  • Tyre Mechanics
    Simulation eines rollenden Reifens auf rauem Untergrund Simulation eines rollenden Reifens auf rauem Untergrund Simulation eines rollenden Reifens auf rauem Untergrund © IBNM 2022

    A long-standing research topic at the institute is the development of simulation methods for the dynamics of rolling tyres. Such methods can be used to explain physical processes that can hardly be determined by technical measurements. This provides industry with methods to design their products more sustainably, e.g. with regard to the aspects of particle abrasion, environmental noise, energy consumption, etc.

  • Bone Mechanics
    Röntgenbild und Finite-Elemente-Modell sowie die daraus resultierende Änderung der Dichte eines Hüftknochens mit Prothese Röntgenbild und Finite-Elemente-Modell sowie die daraus resultierende Änderung der Dichte eines Hüftknochens mit Prothese Röntgenbild und Finite-Elemente-Modell sowie die daraus resultierende Änderung der Dichte eines Hüftknochens mit Prothese © IBNM 2022

    Also, biomechanics of bones has been a research area at the institute for a long time. Among other things, we focus on the longevity of joint implants. This enables us to support physicians in providing patients optimal care with implants that are as long-lasting as possible.


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Latest News of IBNM

Presentation by Haizhong Zhang

Probability seismic hazard analysis based on Fourier amplitude spectrum - March 5, 11 a.m., room 116


Probability seismic hazard analysis based on Fourier amplitude spectrum



My presentation is structured into three parts: previous studies, current work, and research plans, with a primary focus on seismic hazard analysis. In previous studies, firstly, we concentrated on the challenge of reasonably incorporating the effects of local site conditions into the seismic hazard analysis. We systematically investigated site effects on response spectra based on random vibration theory as well as statistical analysis of seismic records and developed an efficient model for the response spectral ratio. Secondly, we addressed the issue of easily converting different ground-motion-intensity measures in the seismic hazard analysis. For this purpose, we explored the relationship between the response spectral acceleration, response spectral velocity, response spectral displacement as well as energy spectrum, based on random vibration theory as well as statistical analysis of seismic records. Consequently, we developed conventional models to facilitate the conversion between these diverse spectra. At present, our focus lies in the simultaneous derivation of various ground-motion-intensity measures—such as response spectral acceleration, velocity, displacement, and energy spectrum—through a single conduction probability seismic hazard analysis. To achieve this, we utilize the Fourier amplitude spectrum model in place of the ground motion prediction equation for each intensity measure. This choice is driven by the ease and strict convertibility of the Fourier amplitude spectrum to each spectrum. However, with the adoption of this innovative approach, we encounter a challenge in evaluating the annual intensity exceedance probability, commonly known as the hazard curve. While we initially explored the moment method, we recognize its complexity, particularly for earthquake engineers. Thus, there is a pressing need in our ongoing research to identify a more easily understood method for obtaining the hazard curve, ensuring accessibility and clarity in our analyses.



Dr. Haizhong Zhang has been an Associate Professor at Yamagata University of Japan, since 2023. He is also a part-time Associate Professor at Iwate University of Japan. He earned his doctoral degree from Kanagawa University of Japan in 2018. From 2018 to 2023 Dr. Haizhong Zhang worked as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Architecture at Kanagawa University. He is a Member of AIJ, JGS, JAEE, and JSCE. His research is mainly about seismic hazard analysis, site effects, transformation between different ground-motion-intensity measures, and damping modification factors of response spectra. His research achievements have been published in 20 academic journals.


Additional information

The presentation session will take place in the institutes library, room 116, on Thursday, March 5, 2024. Start is at 11 a.m. The presentation will also be available via Webex online meeting. If you want to participate online please contact Torsten Ilsemann.