Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Nackenhorst

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Nackenhorst
Appelstraße 11/11a
30167 Hannover
30167 Hannover

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Nackenhorst
Curriculum vitae
Professional career
since 2008 Head of the Institute for Mechanics and Computational Mechanics, Leibniz Universität Hannover 2008 - 2012 Dean of Studies at the Civil Engineering Department, Leibniz Universität Hannover since 2000 Professor for Mechanics at the Institute for Mechanics and Computational Mechanics, Leibniz Universität Hannover 1992 - 2000 Scientific laboratory manager ant the Institute of Mechanics, Univ. Fed. Armed Forces Hamburg 1987 - 1992 Scientific assistant at the Institute of Mechanics, Univ. Fed. Armed Forces Hamburg 1984 - 1987 freelancer on road traffic accident reconstruction, engineering consultants Schimmelpfennig & Becke, Münster -
2000 Habilitation for Mechanics, thesis on "the dynamics of rolling bodies" 1992 Graduation as Doktor-Ingenieur, thesis "on the computation of fast rolling tires" 1984 - 1987 Studies in Mechanical Engineering at Ruhr-Universität Bochum 1981 - 1984 Studies in Mechanical Engineering at FH Osnabrück 1976 - 1979 professional training on motor mechanic -
Awards and honors
2011 Price for Exellent Teaching from Leibniz Universität Hannover 2011 2nd rank at the election of the "Professor of the Year 2011" within the category engineering/computer science fron the journal UNICUM 2008 Tire Manufacturing and Design Award, tire technology international 2008 2000 "Richard von Mises Price" from the Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (GAMM) 1993 Scientific Award from the "Freunde und Förderer der Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg" for the best doctoral-thesis of the year 1992