Dr.-Ing. habil. Yousef Heider

30167 Hannover

- Multiphase processes
- Multifield mechanics
- Multiscale modeling
- Porous media mechanics
- Machine learning in engineering
- Phase-field method
- Continuum Mechanics
- Soil dynamics
- Fracture Mechanics
- Lattice Boltzmann method
- Discrete element method
Teaching Activities
- Reliable Simulation in the Mechanics of Materials and Structures
- Continuum Mechanics of multiphase porous Materials
Educational Background
2021 Habilitation RWTH Aachen University
Habilitation in the field of Mechanics (facultas docendi and venia legendi)
Title of the thesis: Multi-field and multi-scale computational fracture mechanics and machine-learning material modeling
Reviewers: Prof. Bernd Markert (RWTH Aachen), Prof. Bernhard Schrefler (University of Padova, Italy), Prof. Ralf Müller (TU Kaiserslautern)
2012 Promotion University of Stuttgart
Institute of Applied Mechanics, Chair of Continuum Mechanics
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
PhD Thesis title: Saturated porous media dynamics with application to earthquake engineering
Advisor: Prof. Wolfgang Ehlers; Co-Advisors: Prof. Holger Steeb and Prof. Bernd Markert
2007 M. Sc. University of Stuttgart
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Master's Program: "Computational Mechanics of Materials and Structures (COMMAS)"
2003 B. Sc. Damaskus University, Syria
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Discipline: Construction Engineering
Work Experience
Since 10/2023 Senior Engineer Leibniz University Hannover
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science
Institute of Mechanics and Computational Mechanics (IBNM)
05/2014 - 09/2023 Group Leader RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Institute of General Mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Research group: Multi-field Mechanics (MFM)
01/2016 - 09/2023 Adjunct Lecturer RWTH Aachen International Academy
Master's Program: Management and Engineering in Computer Aided Mechanical Engineering
10/2018 - 09/2019 Associate Research Scientist Columbia University, New York, USA
Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics07/2011 - 04/2014 Project Engineer Ed. Züblin AG, Zentrale Technik, Stuttgart
Ground Engineering, Dep. of Renewable Energies
08/2007 - 06/2011 Research Associate University of Stuttgart, Germany
Institute of Applied Mechanics
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering