IBNM invites to Teaching Interchange

Symbolbild: Austausch, Gespräch, Lehrende Symbolbild: Austausch, Gespräch, Lehrende Symbolbild: Austausch, Gespräch, Lehrende
© IBNM/P. Carstens

The IBNM invites you to participate in the second Teaching Interchange taking place online on September 6, 10:00-13:00.

What is the Teaching Interchange all about?

We invite lecturers in engineering education to exchange ideas, share best practices and gather input among colleagues. Further, we will discuss current challenges in engineering education. The topics will be based on the participants'' needs and interests, so please share your expectations in the registration form.

How can I sign up?

You can register for the event by filling in this form. After submitting your contact details, you will receive an email including the link to the complete registration form to be submitted until Monday, August 23 (23:59). It is possible to give a presentation of up to 15 minutes and/or to actively engage in the discussions.

What is next?

After submitting the full registration form, you will receive information on the agenda as well as the template of a brief poster describing your group''s teaching activities.

If you have questions or remarks about the event, do not hesitate to contact our colleague Linda Bücking.

Link to the registration form: https://survey.uni-hannover.de/index.php/461475?lang=en